
The Necessity of Page Rank

You may get frustrated not to get the results you dreamed of , despite spending a huge sum in creating a beautiful website, selling some excellent products, which may outshine your rival, any you have set up the required infrastructure and support system to provide a good after sales service. Yet, you are not able to match the sales figures of your competitor. Have you ever tried to analyze the reasons behind this? The main reason behind this could be that your potential clients are unable to discover you. This could be due to the low PR of your website. Your website lies buried deep under the other sites, when the surfers conduct a search for specific keywords.The first and the foremost thing to do after setting up the website is the Search Engine Submission. These search engines will index your site according to the keywords, and will show it in the search results for those keywords. Initially your website may lie in the deeper pages. The key to success lies in making your site appear on the top pages when searched for a particular keyword. It is here that the Page Rank plays a very vital role. The sites with the higher PR show up above the rest of the sites with Iphone 4s Stylus Pen lower PR and get the heavier traffic, and thus the higher sales.The importance of PR can never be overemphasized. The high PR helps to show up your site on the top pages of the SE's, and could steer a lot of potential buyers to your website.The high Page Rank helps to build up your reputation amongst your customers, who in turn will trust you more than the sites with a lower ranking.If you have a higher PR, more and more webmasters would vie to put your link on their websites resulting in even a higher flow of traffic.The higher page rank, indicates the trust reposed by Google in your site, which implies that you are a trust worthy site to deal Motorcycle Apparel with.There are various strategies, through which you can boost the Page Rank, and direct a heavy flow of traffic to your website. Some of the unethical methods known as "Black Hat Techniques" such as URL cloaking, Keyword Stuffing etc should be totally avoided. They could increase the Page Rank of your site temporarily, but in the long run, it could be very harmful. Your site could be even banned by the major search engines and do more harm than good.The best way to build upon the page rank is to get the maximum number of incoming links to your site. But care should be taken to avoid spammy sites and link farms. You should try to get the links on the sites related to your line of trade. For example, if you own a personal insurance website, you could target to get links from general insurance, medical insurance websites. If you set up a Links Directory on your site, Reciprocal Linking could speed up your work of getting the maximum number of links.Directory Submissions, Article writing and their submissions to the Article Directories, Blogging, Forum Posting, RSS feeds, Press Releases are also very good ways to get your links on the quality sites, and thus increase the PR of your site, which in turn would translate into heavier traffic and larger sales.

